The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159881   Message #3789578
Posted By: GUEST,saulgoldie (sans cookie)
10-May-16 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: right-wing 'folk'
Subject: RE: right-wing 'folk'
"Well.. a rousing chorus about the hard working day of a major global corporation CEO might catch on... ???? 😜 "

Punkfolkrocker: I couldn't agree with you more if I had said it meself. Which I have, on many occasions. Also, I cannot see some high-and-mighty one in the wudience, being in the presence of "regular folk" who are interested in stories of "real people" having "real lives."

I mean, if they were interested, how could they feel good about themselves and their "work" knowing how the rabble have so much less, mostly in exchange for the HIGHENDONES' lavish lifestyle?

I dunno. Perhaps I am dead wrong in my assumptions and stereotypes.
