The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159881   Message #3789763
Posted By: MGM·Lion
11-May-16 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: right-wing 'folk'
Subject: RE: right-wing 'folk'
Vic -- Pete's father, Richard Reynell Bellamy, wrote a book, of which I have a copy beside me at this moment, called "We Marched With Mosley: The Authorised History Of The BRITISH UNION OF FASCISTS" (©2013 Black House Publishing). He was interned under Emergency Regulation 18b during WWii. I remember Pete telling me quite early in our acquaintance, with a sort of ambivalent pride in his tone [& perhaps a certain degree of hyperbole] that his father had been "Mosley's number 2 of Blackshirts".

I agree that Pete could be 'oppositional' for effect and to keep the conversation ticking over; but would point out that the views I have attributed to him were told to me, personally, one-to-one, when he would stay over with us as he usually did when he had a gig around Cambridge, or for the Folk Festival. We would play a lot of Scrabble when we grew tired of chat.
