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Thread #45911   Message #3789892
Posted By: Teribus
12-May-16 - 06:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"you just have to produce examples of how the Rebels actually supported the Germans rather than pay lip-service to it to get guns.
The Rebellion was an Anti Imperialist Revolt - Germany was an Imperial power - speaks for itself."
Jim Carroll

Casement's "Irish Report" - Which required German troops to be landed on the west coast of Ireland

The aim of the "rebellion" as put by both Plunkett and by Casement in 1915 to the Germans was that with German support the rising would draw British troops away from the fighting in France - Now in time of war I would call that active support of the enemy.

The "Rebellion" as you call it was a sham from start to finish. It was deliberately set up to fail by those who led it. It had absolutely no other purpose than to keep the "men of the gun" and Sinn Fein in the game - Pearse's "Blood Sacrifice". The men who fought in Dublin believed in their cause and in their leaders who deliberately fed them lies and threw their lives away in an exercise of wanton destruction mounted to achieve nothing. It's crowning achievement? Rather than further the cause of an independent united Ireland it hardened "Unionist" opposition and guaranteed that the "Unionists" in the North would insist on partition, and for all the attempts by the "men of the gun" down through the years since 1916, that goal of a united independent Ireland is further away today than it was then - why do I say that? Because back in the early part of the 20th century all the nationalists had to do was convince the "unionists" in the North, today written into law not only do those living in the North have to decide for themselves that they want to be part of a united independent Ireland, then the second part of the process has to be fulfilled - those living in the Republic of Ireland have to agree to the union - and if the "men of the gun" in the North have their say then the Republic of Ireland has to take one enormous leap of faith and trust.