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Thread #45911   Message #3789900
Posted By: Teribus
12-May-16 - 08:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"Germany certainly expected the Rebellion to act as a diversion, as they did when they gave safe passage to Lenin in their revolution the following year, BUT THAT WAS THE ONLY "SUPPORT IRELAND EVER GAVE TO GERMANY AND NOBODY HAS EVER CLAIMED OTHERWISE" - Jim Carroll

Agreed Jim - so will please stop claiming that the Leaders of the rising did not support the Germans - after all you've just admitted quite clearly in Upper Case above that they did. And at that time, two years into a world war involving Great Britain and Germany, that constituted an offence under the Treason Act, namely these two facets of it:

"levied war against the King in his Realm;" The rising in Dublin

"adhered to the King's enemies in his Realm, giving them aid and comfort in his Realm or elsewhere" Colluding with the Germans in an attempt to land arms supplied by the enemy and create a diversion that would draw troops away from the war in France thereby giving comfort to the enemy.

Nobody supports that garbage now, nor have they for decades.

Oh dear Jom, speaking for everybody else again? Delusions of grandure or what?

The British Empire was a predatory set-up based on extracting wealth from those the conquored - no different from any other Empire throughout history - It was like a giant beehive with all it's occupants living only to serve a queen."

Ah so no such thing as outward investment then? I think the Indians would disagree with you on that.

Which nations did we conquer Jom? Care to tell us how with a population the size of Great Britain's between 1690 and 1916 we managed to "conquer" two thirds of the earth's surface and hold it?

"The Famine ws typical of how it could work - despite a catastrophic natural disaster, Britain continued to export food from Ireland for the merchants to sell off to Britain.
The warehouses, full of food, were locked and guarded.
Relief was sent from Britain to be sold to the starving at the going price so as not to interfere with the profits of the merchants."

Want a thread on the famine Jom? then open one detailing in your OP your case with all statements made backed up by real evidence (First looking up what constitutes real evidence)

One inconvenient fact for you Jom the imports of grain into Ireland during the "famine years" was four times what was exported.

Please explain to us how all the food in those warehouses was to be transported and distributed.

Another inconvenient fact for you Jom - the primary cause of the drop in population during the "famine" was emigration, the second was death from disease (Diseases that for the next thirty years would know no cure - so hardly avoidable as you claim) and the third, by a long way was starvation (IIRC in the worse of the "famine years" the number that died from starvation numbered 6,000)

"If native cultures or practices got in the way of British rule (little more than absentee landlordism - it was removed - a typical example being the Irish language, which was all but systematically destroyed."

Better example for you Jom - General Sir Charles James Napier, the Commander-in-Chief in India from 1849 to 1851 is often noted for a story involving Hindu priests complaining to him about the prohibition of sati by British authorities.

"Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs."

The practice of burning widows on the death of their husbands ceased - Oooh nasty British Empire eh Jom?