The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158911   Message #3789960
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
12-May-16 - 09:36 PM
Thread Name: Yet More Clutter's Last Stand - 2016
Subject: RE: Yet More Clutter's Last Stand - 2016

Sassy is the red squirrel that has plagued me all winter. Cute, LOVES sunflower seeds ... HOPE: sometime this summer, a new opening to sleeping loft so someone can tighten up the places that allow a tiny squirrel in. Also more insulation would be helpful!

Stu and Les and Walter were here for lunch. I made the black bean soup and cauliflower cheddar. Fresh pineapple/ground ginger for dessert. Still have a bunch of black beans to freeze, one bowl of BB soup and a couple meals of the other soup.

Stu suggested, in his quiet manner, that he could do some work for me; he worked with Tam and Blair last summer. So! We walked around looking at what needed to be done and I suggested he could start by putting the siding back onto the studio. I suspect it will be a bit tedious.

(Walter is about 85 and was living in a tiny cabin with NO amenities and not looking very well. S&L took him into their home and he now looks healthy and happy and has hearing aids but NO driver's license. He was using a beautiful walking stick that Stu's dad made from diamond willow from the Yukon.)   

Nathan came in the early eve and agreed that the outhouse and shed can be lifted and new sills put under them; he will call in a week or so when he works out a schedule. Then Stu can put some kind of cheap siding on them so they look somewhat more civilized. And a window in the outhouse - facing onto the swamp! Roofs are OK!

Steve came, from up the road, to look at the "lawn" and figures he can civilize it with his riding mower - in a week or so after he gets it our of winter storage. Today was the warmest this year - might have been 75F. May yet have snow next week!! I feel as though progress is being made. YAY!

I have messed up the last two fast days. Not TOO badly but still. Served cookies a lunch but did not have any. Slightly tempted. Try again tomorrow. Need to do chick peas to make humous for Saturday. I'll put them in the slow cooker right now!