The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3789972
Posted By: Teribus
13-May-16 - 01:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"It's always intrigued me why you never link your claims to anything - whenever I've tried to trace your statements I've drawn a blank"

Three points on that Jom:

1: Both Keith A and myself have in the past given references and links which you dismiss or do not bother to check.

2: I don't know why it intrigues you Jom as it would not make the blindest bit of difference to you, what evidence was laid before you - you would ignore it. Your bigotry, rascism and Anglophobia is far too ingrained.

3: As far as your ability to trace and check facts given - Try harder, I am not going to do your homework for you.

But we will try a couple shall we, just to demonstrate:

Example 1:

In previous threads on WWI you stated that Kitchener was forced to resign from his post as Secretary of State for War.

Lord Herbert Kitchener

Time taken to find and put that link up was less that a minute from the easiest source of information on the internet - yet you say you have trouble doing that?

List of Secretaries of State for War

OK then Jom give us the date he was forced to resigned or state unequivocally that you were wrong and that the truth was he was never forced to resign - he was appointed as Secretary of State for War the day after war was declared and he died in office 5th June 1916.

Example: 2

You have repeatedly come out with the dissembling rubbish about there being no evidence of collusion between the IRB, IVF and the Germans.

Sir Roger Casement:
"Casement helped to form in 1913 the Irish National Volunteers, a nationalist organisation. The following year, in July 1914, Casement visited New York in an attempt to garner support for the organisation. With the outbreak of war the following month Casement similarly hoped for German assistance in gaining Irish independence from Britain.

With this in mind Casement travelled to Berlin in November 1914; once there however he found the Germans reluctant to undertake the risk of sending forces to Ireland
(Indicates that he must have asked them). He was also disappointed in his hopes of recruiting to his cause Irish prisoners taken to Germany.

"While in Germany Casement strove in particular to effectively borrow a number of German officers to assist with a planned Easter rising in Dublin; again, he was disappointed. Believing the planned rising unlikely to succeed at that stage Casement arranged to be taken by German submarine to Ireland where he hoped to dissuade nationalist leaders from undertaking rebellion for the present.

Consequently he was landed near Tralee in County Kerry on 12 April 1916. Twelve days later he was arrested by the British, taken to London, and charged with treason. At about this time copies of a diary (the 'Black Diary') reputed to be written by Casement were circulated among government officials, detailing alleged homosexual practices with native boys.

Although clearly an attempt by the British to discredit Casement the diaries' authenticity was verified by an independent panel of scholars in 1959 and, more recently, in 2002. With an appeal dismissed Casement was taken to Pentonville Prison in London where he was hanged on 3 August 1916."

Source - Casement

Time taken about one minute - of this you are incapable?

Then there is this one Jom:

"In November 1914[23] Casement negotiated a declaration by Germany which stated:

"The Imperial Government formally declares that under no circumstances would Germany invade Ireland with a view to its conquest or the overthrow of any native institutions in that country. Should the fortune of this Great War, that was not of Germany's seeking, ever BRING IN ITS COURSE GERMAN TROOPS TO THE SHORES OF IRELAND, they would land there not as an army of invaders to pillage and destroy but as the forces of a Government that is inspired by goodwill towards a country and people for whom Germany desires only national prosperity and national freedom".[24]

Source - Casement

Casement went to Germany with the knowledge and consent of the leaders of the IRB and the IVF this piece of information backed up by:

"The Supreme Council of the IRB met on 5 September 1914, just over a month after the British government had declared war on Germany. At this meeting, they decided to stage an uprising before the war ended and to secure help from Germany.[22]   Source - Caulfield, Max, The Easter Rebellion, p. 18

Then there is this:

After the war began, Roger Casement and Clan na Gael leader John Devoy met the German ambassador to the United States, Johann Heinrich von Bernstorff, to discuss German backing for an uprising. Casement went to Germany and began negotiations with the German government and military. He persuaded the Germans to announce their support for Irish independence in November 1914.[31] Casement also attempted to recruit an Irish Brigade, made up of Irish prisoners of war, which would be armed and sent to Ireland to join the uprising.[32][33] However, only 56 men volunteered. Plunkett joined Casement in Germany the following year. Together, Plunkett and Casement presented a plan (the 'Ireland Report') in which a German expeditionary force would land on the west coast of Ireland, while a rising in Dublin diverted the British forces so that the Germans, with the help of local Volunteers, could secure the line of the River Shannon, before advancing on the capital.[34] The German military rejected the plan, but agreed to ship arms and ammunition to the Volunteers.[35]"

Collusion on a massive scale and as the Military Council took over the Easter Rising and kept the details of it secret then those who signed the Proclamation were guilty of Treason - They were accordingly charged with committing offences UNDER THE TREASON ACT namely:

1 Taking up arms against the King - which they most undoubtedly did.

2 Providing aid and comfort to the enemy - which they most undoubtedly did and for which you have previously been given the links to the Treason Act and the actual Anglo-French wording of these two specific charges.

But none of that matters to you does it Jom - so be intrigued no more. You and your pals rarely if ever provide substantive evidence for either your claims, statements or accusations - you just fling shit and run.