The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3790411
Posted By: Jim Carroll
15-May-16 - 06:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Ho hum more uncorroborated denials
These are the fact as you have been presented - all from researched works
The Ulster Unionists had no intention of honouring any treaty which included Independence for Ireland - they publicly stated that in their declaration.
Theirs were the first Arms to enter Ireland and be put in the hands of civilians.
About half the British Officers stationed in Ireland were prepared to back the claims of the Unionists - in essence a threat of Military Coup.
The Republican Citizens Army was set up to defend the Irish people from the threat from the Unionists and The Easter Rising was seen as the only way to obtain Independence for Ireland in any shape or form.
Lloyd George colluded with the Unionist leadership in secretly altering the Home Rule Bill bu changing an agreed period of temporary partition to a permanent state for Ireland.
Far from being "unpopular", the Rising was in fact supported by many people throughout Ireland (with the exceptions listed above) and the War, far from being supported was, in fact "extremely unpopular" with the Irish people.
The violence and killing by "unelected" Ulster Unionists far exceeded that which took place during the Rising and continued throughout the period from the end of the war to the 1922 treaty being agreed - the pogroms of Catholics in the six counties continued right through to the end of the 1950s backed by the Authorities and, the R.U.C. and in the full knowledge of Britain.
All this is listed and linked to its source and all those sources, mainly from British researchers are unchallenged by anybody (other than you pair.
You have denied everything and have linked to nothing - your statements are nothing but your own efforts at rewriting Irish history.
It's a beautiful day here but, if I do get time out from the garden I will scoop up more facts for you to deny from my pile - Wouldn't like to see you get bored, after all - "idle hands" and all that.
Jim Carroll