The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3790589
Posted By: Teribus
16-May-16 - 09:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Jim Carroll - 16 May 16 - 07:14 AM

"Jim Carroll hurls out accusations of no links being provided when it is plainly obvious that they have."
You haven't and you never do, and that is all I have ever commented on.

REALLY JIM? Then please explain this little passage of posts it relates to the number of officer resignations in March 1914 – you know – that "Act of Aggression" you initially introduced into this thread:

Jim Carroll - 15 May 16 - 06:14 AM

About half the British Officers stationed in Ireland were prepared to back the claims of the Unionists - in essence a threat of Military Coup.

Teribus -15 May 16 - 10:23 AM

" About half the British Officers stationed in Ireland were prepared to back the claims of the Unionists - in essence a threat of Military Coup."

This is YOUR OPINION and about as factually wrong as you could get it.

"Half the British Officers stationed in Ireland" – Where on earth did you get that ill-informed twaddle from? All in all only 100 officers threatened to resign – if you are attempting to tell us that there were only 200 Army Officers stationed in Ireland then you are more of an ignoramus than I thought – 57 out of that 100 came from the 3rd Cavalry Brigade alone - My Source: The telegram sent by the Commander in Chief in Ireland to the War Office dated 20th March

Jim Carroll - 15 May 16 - 11:02 AM

"This is YOUR OPINION and about as factually wrong as you could get it."
No it is not - it is a direct quote from Asquith -
"Asquith confided to a friend 'there is no doubt if were to order a march upon Ulster that about half the officers in the Army would strike."
so maybe he got it wrong and your source got it right - whoops - you didn't give a source, did you?


And what you were presenting as a fact was a remark reportedly made by Asquith who could only have been stating an opinion.

You clearly cannot differentiate between fact and opinion

You have got no clue whatsoever as to what constitutes evidence – that you mistake for unsubstantiated rumour but only if it suits your point of view.

As to the Government of Ireland ACT 1914 that you keep insisting was altered in July 1916 and was further altered in 1918 – here is what it covered when it received Royal Assent on the 18th September 1914

The Prime Minister, H. H. Asquith, introduced the Bill on 11 April 1912.[2] Allowing more autonomy than its two predecessors, the bill provided for:

A bicameral Irish Parliament to be set up in Dublin (a 40-member Senate and a 164-member House of Commons) with powers to deal with most national affairs;

A number of Irish MPs would continue to sit in the Parliament of the United Kingdom (42 MPs, rather than 103).

The abolition of Dublin Castle administration, though with the retention of the Lord Lieutenant.

The financial situation was a concern. Irish taxes had yielded a surplus of £2 million in 1893, that had turned into a current spending net deficit of £1.5m by 1910 that had to be raised by London. An annual "Transferred Sum" mechanism was proposed to maintain spending in Ireland as it was.[3]

The Bill was passed by the Commons by a majority of 10 votes in 1912 but the House of Lords rejected it 326 votes to 69 in January 1913. In 1913 it was reintroduced and again passed by the Commons but was again rejected by the Lords by 302 votes to 64. In 1914 after the third reading, the Bill was passed by the Commons on 25 May 1914 by a majority of 77. Having been defeated a third time in the Lords, the Government used the provisions of the Parliament Act to override the Lords and send it for Royal Assent.

Now that is fact – simple recorded Parliamentary Fact – you can use the internet to check it out – as you obviously will not accept any link I put up regarding this Act of Parliament – Only trouble is that you cannot be arsed to do that – so you persist in repeating your ill-informed and totally incorrect fairy stories. Mind you, you are not alone on this forum who cannot be bothered to check facts, there are quite a few of you including Joe Offer.

Now where is the Government of Ireland Act 1914 as subsequently amended 1916 Jim?

Where is the Government of Ireland Act 1914 as subsequently amended 1916 and further amended 1918 Jim?

Good luck in coming up with those because they simply DO NOT EXIST

Jim Carroll - 16 May 16 - 07:29 AM

Greg has offered his opinion

Yes Jim he has offered his opinion but in doing so "GregF has said absolutely nothing in connection with the subject under discussion."