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Thread #45911   Message #3790770
Posted By: Jim Carroll
17-May-16 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"Dates and events are easily checked"
Your job to provide backing for your claims - I do.
"At no point on any thread on this forum have either Keith or myself ever said anything remotely like that"
Then what the **** is this about.
"Your pathetic attempts at portraying Ireland as a united entity where everything was peace and light before the arrival of the Normans is ludicrous."
or this
"prior to the arrival of the Normans in Ireland there was no united Irish Nation any notion that there was is a myth."
You are now falling into Keith's habit of lying about what you have put up.
Why it's not worth continuing this farce with you pair
"The most senior Officer involved in the Curragh Incident was Gough, who when summoned to the War Office on the 22nd March stated quite clearly and unequivocally that he would obey any order given him."
And General Haig or did he resiign because he wanted to put his feet up??
This type of dishonesty is exactly why you never link to your claims.
"Proved by forensic science to be false - nothing more than an urban myth."
By whom and where is this proof available.
"So in the time frame you are attempting to squeeze all this into there were no Conservatives in the Government."
You know as well as I do how the British Parliamentary system works - the Governance of the country is down to the controlling majority, the opposition and The House of Lords.
The Tories in opposition and the House of Lords fought tooth and nail to defeat any attempts to Unite Ireland.
The book I quoted from earlier "'Lines of Most Resistance' (The Lords, the Tories and Ireland, 1884 – 1914) Edward Pearce" is dedicated to the behaviour of the Conservatives at the time
Whatever your "timeline" means the Unionists armed themselves in readiness to oppose any attempts whatever to include a united Irelan - they were the first group of the 20th century to brin arms into Ireland for political purposes and they were backed by the Conservatives in Government and my officers i the British Army - Asquith calculated how many might be involved - including senior officers.
You have been given all this, all with named sources and none of it my opinion, yet you have consistently and dishonestly referred to it as being mine - Keith continues to accuse me of making these facts up - every single of has been taken from the wors of researchers - he has offered nothing - uyou have attempted to bluff from start to finish offering not even the semblence of evidence.
Nor you scream "thread drift" as Keith does when he is in a corner "If you wish to discuss, sectarianism, bigotry and civil rights abuses post 1921 "
Are you seriously suggesting that the ongoing behaviour right up to the present day has nothing to do with this - I seem to remember that you have taken it up to The Good Friday Agreement
Oh yes here it is:
"This was thankfully ended in 1998 with the Good Friday Agreement:"
Thank you for confirming that you pair are not worth the efforty of responding to.
Jim Carroll