The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3790836
Posted By: Teribus
17-May-16 - 07:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Pre-Norman Ireland

"Your pathetic attempts at portraying Ireland as a united entity where everything was peace and light before the arrival of the Normans is ludicrous."
or this
"prior to the arrival of the Normans in Ireland there was no united Irish Nation any notion that there was is a myth."
You are now falling into Keith's habit of lying about what you have put up.

Lies? no I will leave that to you - you are after all very good at it - read the link supplied to find out more - somehow don't think that you will - but rest assured others might.

OK then Jom tell us all what Lt-General Haig had to do with the Curragh Incident. As far as is recorded it was this:

Haig stressed {To Gough's brother} that the army's duty was to keep the peace and urged his officers not to dabble in politics. - WOW.

By the way what post did Haig resign from? Or is this just another example of those totally incorrect claims about Kitchener resignations that you are now infamous for?

"Proved by forensic science to be false - nothing more than an urban myth."
By whom and where is this proof available.

Date 27th September 2012 BBC:

Scientific test carried out on the signature by Dr Alastair Ruffell, of Queen's University Belfast, has found no evidence to support the claim.

Dr Ruffell's test used Luminol, which reacts with the iron present in haemoglobin and produces a blue-white glow.

He told the BBC the results carried the possibility of a margin of error because "this material has been uncontrolled for 100 years."

But according to Dr Ruffell, the test is capable of detecting tiny traces even in old samples.

"Some years ago we did a test in the Colorado desert where they put some blood on some rocks and we went back ten years later and we were able to find the blood using the Luminol test", he said.

"The iron in the blood degrades very slowly."

Now tell us Jom what tests did you do that counters the work done by Dr Alastair Ruffell of Queen's University Belfast? My guess is that you didn't do any.

"You know as well as I do how the British Parliamentary system works"

Judging by the crap that you have come out with I know, and have clearly demonstrated that I know, a damned sight better than you how the British Parliamentary system works. What is it that demonstrates this?

1: Your ignorance about the Parliament Act 1911 and how it affects Bills proposed by the House of Commons.
2: Your idiotic assertion that Opposition Parties Govern - quite simply put - They don't.
3: The fact that for long enough you claimed that the Irish Home Rule Bill 1914 had been defeated - when of course it hadn't.
4: The fact that you persist in claiming that alterations were made to an Act of Parliament when in fact they hadn't and refusal to accept that that Act of Parliament was repealed, replaced and never enforced.

The book I quoted from earlier "'Lines of Most Resistance' (The Lords, the Tories and Ireland, 1884 – 1914) Edward Pearce" is dedicated to the behaviour of the Conservatives at the time

And the relevance of that from April 1912 until September 1914 is what exactly? April 1912 Home Rule Bill introduced, September 1914 Home Rule Bill becomes the Government of Ireland Act 1914, the Bill having received Royal Assent - But I forgot Jom-the infallible stated that that never happened. Oh dear Jom just one more historical inexactitude of yours to add to your list.

the Unionists armed themselves in readiness to oppose any attempts whatever to include a united Irelan - they were the first group of the 20th century to brin arms into Ireland for political purposes and they were backed by the Conservatives in Government and my officers i the British Army - Asquith calculated how many might be involved - including senior officers

Number of points here that I feel I must draw to your attention:

1: The year is 1914 - THERE ARE NO CONSERVATIVES IN GOVERNMENT. - ( JOM deliberate lie and misrepresentation No:1)
2: " my officers i the British Army" Good heavens Jom I didn't know that you had any back there in 1914. Tell me how many did you have? Where did you keep them?
3: Tell us all how Asquith calculated what any group, or professional body in the entire length and breadth of the British Empire might, or might not do in 1914? - absolutely dying to hear what our little Marxist comes out with on this - crystal ball, Ouija Board perhaps? Pure conjecture, no calculation, but pray tell having made these imaginary calculations ( Based on God knows what) what instructions did he as Prime Minister give, if what you say is correct?

You have been given all this, all with named sources

Most of it being irrelevant twaddle to be perfectly honest.

Oh and yes I did reference the Good Friday Agreement of 1998 as its introduction replaced the Government of Ireland Act 1920, which previously replaced the Government of Ireland Act 1914 - and that Jom the infallible is where we came in wasn't it?