The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3791720
Posted By: Jim Carroll
23-May-16 - 08:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
""Didn't you know, tabloid journalists know everything?""
They are what they are - occasionally they get their come-uppance, like Andy Coulson.
Ruth Dudley Ellis"
So ******* what?
You rather stupidly wrote off all those I cited (just in cae, a reminder "Asquith, Bonar Law Churchill, Redmond, Carson, and others involved at the time, and from The Proclamation and cabinet notes"....) as merely "opinions", yet you find a bone you think might be chewable when, all of a sudden a tabloid journalist becomes flavour of the month - just like Keith has done in the past.
I have no problem with accepting information from journalists, eye witnesses or amateur researchers, as long as it makes sense and it is presented with some qualification - Ms Edwards hasn't done that - she states an enigma as if it was a fact and has done so at a time when it was calculated to do some damage.
This issue was current back in 2002, shortly after we moved to Ireland - it wasn't resolved then and it hasn't been since, though it was predicted at the time that it would show its ugly head on the 100th anniversary.   
What the **** does the alleged latent sexual proclivities of anybody have to do with what they say - as long as they don't act on them - the world would be a far worse place if it wasn't for some of its heroes who didn't measure up - Michael Angelo, Alan Turin and T E Lawrence...... spring immediately to mind.
Their only significance is their use to people like you when you run out of ideas.
You have tried every stunt to denigrate the Irish, to contradict their history, to deny them not just the right of independence, but to question their validity as a United State.
Keith, in his proclaimed ignorance and disinterest, has dismissed the celebrating of Irish Independence as a glorification of murder and have accused the Irish People of having being gullible in falling for propaganda, and comparing this anniversary to "St Patick's Day" - wonder how the American members of this forum would have reacted to having their Bi-centennial celebrations compared to 'Groundhog day?'
You can take comfort in the fact that you are part of a long tradition and the same dirty-tricks you are using now were used by your fellow-squalids in the past to denigrate Parnell ("The Uncrowned King of Ireland) and the man who blew the whistle on the Belgian atrocities in the Congo, Roger Caasement - well done, both of you.
You really seem to have found your niche.
Jim Carroll