The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29625   Message #379187
Posted By: Bill D
21-Jan-01 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: B.S.: Unsolicited Mudcat Testimonials!
Subject: RE: B.S.: Unsolicited Mudcat Testimonials!
....what wonders are these? 47 years have I toiled in the monastary of St. Cloaca as a cloistered brother of the Recalcitrant Scribes, laboriously copying the texts of ancient ballads and their semi-related tunes; my fingers chilled in winter as my eyes strain to make out the details of dozens of versions of "Barbry Allen". This I did that they might not perish under the vagaries of modern 'music'.

Even as the first strains of "Rock Around the Clock" assulted my ears so many years ago, I swore that I would counter these evils with many copies of the TRUE songs.

Now, this glowing screen in the library, powered by teams of small furry rodents, shows me that, truly, my task is now redundant! Now, any supplicant so moved may obtain the required texts with only tiny movements of the wrist and 2 finger peckings at a keyboard that is vaguely similar to my Smith-Corona of my youth!

Verily, by access of the realm known as MUDCAT, it's database and it's shadowy denizens, all can be known!

I see my life as a scribe is I return to the world...from Lazurus Flatulus, scribe, I become "Old Fart", curmudgeon and disciple of BIG Fart, catspaw49.. and lurk in the bowels of the Mudcat to strike FEAR into the hearts of POP/ROCK seekers.

This must be made official...therefore **clicketh thou here**