The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78352   Message #3791997
Posted By: keberoxu
24-May-16 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Terry Prattchet and folkies
Subject: RE: BS: Terry Prattchet and folkies
BBC wrestler (!! I didn't see THAT pun coming!!),
I think the book with the craw step is "Snuff" in which Sam Vimes and Lady (Duchess?) Sybil come to the rescue of the endangered goblins. Wee Mad Arthur has to go to great lengths to tell Vimes that goblin magic has been treacherously misused on Sergeant Colon, of all people. Tobacco is used to smuggle the drugs that are fatally addictive to trolls. That is a virtuoso undertaking, that plot.

Just got my first look, though, at the Hogfather book. I don't know if that's a good book to begin Terry Pratchett's DiscWorld with; I like it the better for having got acquainted with its characters in previous books.

I was weeping with laughter over that hilarious moment when Death's adoptive grand-daughter Susan is confronted with a terribly anxious "Death-of-Rats" telling her that her grandfather Death needs attention, because he is trying to substitute for the Hogfather at Hogwatch. And of course D-o-R is desperately trying to communicate all of this in rat-speak, or should that be, rat-squeak. At this point the references are layers deep:
Santa Clause/Hogfather with the jovial laugh Ho! Ho! Ho!
Death with his otherworldly earth-quaking "HO. HO. HO."

...and the poor D-o-R imitating Death's imitation Hogfather:
"...squeak eek squeak squeak eek eek "HEEK! HEEK! HEEK!"

Wonder if I'll ever get to see the animated version; the book is brilliant enough. Thanks for listening.