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Thread #159827   Message #3792042
Posted By: Jim Carroll
25-May-16 - 04:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"If you search for the EU position on anti-semetism,"
Why on earth should anybody wish to do such a thing - do people need to "search" for definitions of words (Semitism by the way, perhaps you need to look up the spelling and you are now consistently spelling it incorrectly)
We know what Antisemitism is, some of us have been opposing it all our lives.
Rule books are only for those who wich to manipulate the subject for their own devices, as Israel has been doing.
Antisemitism is "discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews."discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews" - rule-books are for fine tuning.
The increasingly extremist right-wing Israeli regime (as described by many Israelis, including leading figures in the government and the army, not to mention Holocaust survivors and their decedents) is now tinkering with the term in order to justify its extremist behaviour.
It has shown contempt for the views of the Jewish people as a whole by describing those who disagree with its policies as "Self-hating Jews".
That ought to be indicative to anybody with half a brain that there is something rotten in the State of Israel.
How dare these people use the Jews to cover up their crimes?
The greatest threat to the Jewish people in the world today is the Israeli regime - not only has it destroyed the dream of those who survived the Holocaust and the dream of all persecuted Jews throughout history, but it is now painting a target on every Jew in the world marking them as being responsible for Sabra-Shatila, Gaza.... and every other atrocity that Israel has put its name to
It is spending many millions on its propaganda campaign and it very much a part of what is happening in the British Labour Party.
Of cours Labour has its share of racists and Antisemites, as has every Political Party - wartime Antisemitic activity among the Conservative of Britain was little more than unpunished treason.
You are not supporting, or even concerned with The Jews - all your efforts go into support for Israel - and that is Antisemitic, something you have accused others of, but are guilty of yourself, along with all the trolls who have posted to these threads
How about puting in some effort for the threat to The Jewish People rather than making yourself part of that threat

Israeli propaganda campaign

Jim Carroll