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Thread #45911   Message #3792242
Posted By: Jim Carroll
26-May-16 - 04:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
More of the same, unqualified arrogance that has been dealt with over and over again
I gave you a list of statements and asked you if you had a problem with them - once again, you refuse to rely.
Thank you for confirming that Britain decided to go with the Unionists on partition, totally ignoring the Catholic majority wishes, without consultation - that's something, I suppose.
No country or Empire should have the right to artificially divide another without the permission of its inhabitants.
No country should have the right to section of vast tract of another and declare it a separate state, based on religion, colour of skin, taste in music..... whatever.
No country should have the right to defend minority religion-driven fanatics who have armed themselves in order to impose their will on the country as a whole.
Britain did all these things and much more and that is what you are defending.
The result of that fanatical minority taking control in those six states on the lives of those who didn't share their fanaticism lasted for half a century and ended in a bloodbath which still bubbles away beneath the surface.
The non-fanatic minority in the six counties were forced to inferior lives than those who followed the religion of the ruling fanatics, under a regime of non-equality, insecurity of tenure and employment, poor housing, regular sectarian rioting and a greatly inferior access to electoral democracy
Peaceful protests against the conditions imposed on the minority were met with extreme violence by the fanatics, fully supported by the forces of 'law-and-order' - which led to two decades of bloodshed in Ireland and on the British mainland.
From the word go those fanatics have been "the selfish men of violence" - first to arm, first to threaten, first to consider civil war, first to establish an oppressive sectarian state within Britain - all supported by the British establishment, by sections of the British Army and later by the British Army and judicial system as a whole - and by you.
And you dare to shed crocodile tears for those who died during Easter Week, overwhelmingly at the hands (artillery) of the British forces.
Every nation has a right to full cultural and political independence, to choose its own path, to make its own mistakes and to shape its own future - that is now a fully accepted truth, except by the dinosaurs who year for the day when they were kings of the prehistoric rainforests.
People who fought to bring about that freedom and make it a reality are heroes, not "selfish murderers", nor gullibly brainwashed" idiots.
Their efforts were acts of heroism, not "contemptible jokes".
The "murderers" were those who rigged trials and executed the heroes and innocents alike - or those who cut down pacifists, or massacred protesters or indiscriminately fired mortars into occupied areas.
The gullibly brainwashed idiots are those who defend this behaviour and sneer at the heroes who fought for the right of countries to rule themselves and in doing so, helped to bring the entire difice of Empire throughout the world crashing to dust - proof of the pudding, if nothing else is.
You pair are (once again) alone in your quest - here or elsewhere - I can't think of anybody anywhere who is prepared to spend the time and effort denigrating what is in fact, an internationally accepted act of heroism - it is hardly surprising that the same two put in similar efforts into defending the depopulation of Ireland and the mass-murder of its people not too long ago - if we were discussing serial killings we would be considering "a behavioural pattern".
Ireland will be celebrating and re-examining this event for the rest of the year, in a few years time it will be doing the same for the limited independence that these events helped bring about Best not put way your Union Jacks too soon - you're going to need them again shortly to tell the Irish they didn't deserve independence and they were tricked by "the Spanish and the French" into asking for it in the first place.
Rule Britannia, eh what!!
Jim Carroll