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Thread #45911   Message #3792292
Posted By: Jim Carroll
26-May-16 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"It would appear that both Raggytash and Jim Carroll have major problems with time lines and chronology of events."
And it would seem you still have trouble offering nothing other than arrogantly definitive statements - where ifs your evidence for anything you have ever said?
"The rising of 1916 hardened Unionist opposition"
Utterly stupid - how do you "harden opposition" of a bunch of armed fanatics who have threatened Civil War if their demands where not met - bring them to the brink of nuclear war?.
Even the Brits recognised that the Unionists were armed loose cannons who were prepared to go to war to get their way and had the support of sections of the British Army to achieve that end; despite this fact, they still appeased them.
They were the first to arm and drill and the first to threaten a War that would make Easter week look like a playground scrap.   
The only way you can possiby justify this utterly crass statement is by ignoring the landslides of factual documentation you have been given - in return, you have offed nothing..
"Quite right and no country or Empire did in the case of Irish Independence"
Again bal;derdash - Independence means unity - Britain forced through pertition to appease the Unionist thugs - you've been given the evidence of this - in return, you have offed nothing.
"Who are you talking about here the UVF or the Pearse Faction of the IVF?"
Now you are deliberately rewriting Irish history
There were no factions among the rebels - no disagreements as to what their aims were - the proof of this is carved into Irish history in the agreed Proclamation.
As with all movements, there were different ideals - Connolly and others were Socialists, Pearse a National idealist, the bulk of them just wanted fredom from British rule
THere's little use asking you to prove this smear - you don't do that sort of thing.
Conned by the Spanish and French, no right to Unity because of how it was before the Normans - you really do operate of the "if you can't prove it, smear it" principle.
When will you realise that, until you start actually backing what you say with actual researched facts, your pronouncements will remain nothing but the opinions of an Empire Loyalist   believed by no-one but Keith, and he has his own personality problems