The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3792840
Posted By: Jim Carroll
30-May-16 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"You have failed to challenge a single point that I have made."

"Jim, I have quoted historians to substantiate every assertion I have made."

"The initial agreement was for a peaceful transition to independence.
Unity and consensus was finally achieved."

"Home rule had already been agreed."

"Yes there was. The bill had passed."

"It is true that I read what historians say about history.
They do the research and write the books.
You are deluded if you believe that you know better."
A blatant lie by your own admission of note ever having read a book and not being interested enough to do so.

"There was plenty of well paid civilian war work available."
Utter Crap

On the Curragh Mutiny
"They merely considered exercising their perfect right to quit."
So a serving officer in the army has a perfect right to refuse orders – do I have that right?

"The bill had been passed, and enactment only postponed because of the world war that was raging and going badly."

"By the historians Greg? "
What historians?

"The heavy civilian casualties resulted from the rebels choosing to fight from heavily populated and overcrowded residential areas like North King Street.
They also put children in harms way by using them as couriers."
Statistically incorrect

"Not true Jim. There is no evidence of indiscriminate fire that I can find. You clearly know of none either."
Long provided

"If you have any evidence of indiscriminate British fire, produce it."

"You have given no eye witness report of indiscriminate fire."
Half a dozen accounts to date

"The rising was deeply unpopular and unwanted, as I have shown."
That's why the people voted the way they did n the first democratic election, of course!!

"Had they just been locked up they would have continued to be seen as a contemptible joke.
The rising would have been forgotten, and a transition to full home rule would have been peacefully achieved and not one day later."
Utter and well-proved nonsense.

"The occupation was not seen as "aggressive and oppressive subjugation."
There was no popular movement against it.
The Irish people were happy with the peaceful progress to home rule."
Lovely summary of 800 years of Irish history - pissed ourselves laughing in Dublin over that one!!!

"They did have every right to, (oppose the occupation of Ireland) but they did not oppose it."
Pissed ourselves laughing about that one too!!

More later
Jim Carroll