The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3792989
Posted By: Jim Carroll
31-May-16 - 03:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"But James "
Why "Jim Carroll" - try not to talk down, you're really not tall enough.
You really don't know how your ever-emerging name-calling rudeness is a sign of your insecurity, do you?
I don't hate Britain, only those who defend the appalling behaviour of its politicians - go to the top of that particulaar class.
As I said, it's none of your business how many questions I asked, they weren't addressed to you.
Pomposity - I prefer to tell what I see - enough of it in your present posting to confirm my impressions.
You have given no facts, only your own unqualified opinions - I have backed everything I have claimed with researched information and have identified my sources - you have consistently refused or ignored requests to do so, as you are now doing..
"Oh I think Keith A has found far more than one,"
Let's see what he comes up with and what they had to say - admittedly, he did find a Jesuit lecturer in philosophy, and following last nights television programme on Yeats, he might have added Bob Geldof (a sadly mixed programme of beautiful poetry and crass political analysis).
If my offerings refute my claims, why not point out where they do - you haven't so far?
The British forced through (under threat of war) a bill which divided Ireland - one which left 26 independent, as per the wishes of the overall majority of the Irish people, the other six remaining under British rule, led by a fanatical leadership that mounted a reign of terror on a third of the population which lasted for half a century and was only brought to an end by years of bloody conflict in Ireland and on mainland Britain - that conflict rumbles on and in my opinion, will continue to do so until the dividing line is removed -
God knows, the consequences of partitioning countries have raised their ugly heads often enough for our 'Great and Good' to have learned their lesson - obviously not, in the case of Britian.
Now - if you have nothing more than 'all wind and pee, like the barber's cat' to offer, I'll see what more there is to put up.
Have a good day now, d'you hear!
Jim Carroll