The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3793183
Posted By: Teribus
01-Jun-16 - 09:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"Ah the above was what Eamon de Valera thought was it?"

Who said it was?

John Bowman and I would have thought that the title served as a big enough hint.

"DeValera and The Ulster Question" by John Bowman (1989)

"Tell me Jim did Dev ask the Unionists in Ulster about that"

Why should he ask an armed minority bunch of right-wing English extremists who have threatened Civil War if their demands were not met anything?

Ah Jim so you still think of those living in the North albeit that they have been there for about 500 years a bunch of "Blow-In Newcomers" - what does that make you?

"The proof of the Unionist pudding was in the eating when it launched a half-century reign of terror on one third of the six counties"

To say nothing Jim about the sectarian reign of terror that prevailed, largely unreported in the Republic over the same period. 1911 13% of the population of what became the Republic of Ireland was Protestant that through the years has fallen to about 3% in 2011. Compared that to the North of Ireland where in 1911 35% of the population was Catholic who through this reign of terror you mention has managed to increase, up now to 42% according to the last Census. You tell me Carroll where the ethnic cleansing took place.

"In July 1916 Lloyd George gave Carson the assurance that the people of Ulster could not be forced into an independent united Ireland without their consent"

That's what I said

That is not what you said at all - you stated that Lloyd George had guaranteed them Permanent Partition - simply put he did no such thing.