The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3793679
Posted By: Jim Carroll
04-Jun-16 - 02:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"Another faked quote then Jim. I never said anything like that.
Will you please stop telling lies - this is exactly wat you said.
Subject: RE: BS: Irish Potato Blight- Cause found
From: Keith A of Hertford - PM Date: 12 Mar 14 - 07:13 AM
"Not surprising when generations of school children have been brainwashed to believe Britain should be blamed, keeping hate alive."

I don't excpect you to acknowledge your dishonesty, let alone apologies for accusing me of faking it - you don't do that sort of thing.
Your whole argument here has been based on dishonesty such as this and on total ignorance and hatred - that goes for both of you.

"Seems as though you, Jim Carroll are the only person slinging allegations about regarding hatred."
Now you're just reduced to stupid name-calling.
You obviously aren't going to substantiate your "cross-border raids" or your "oppression of Catholics in the Republic, or your "the rebels were all German spies" or "no artillery" - it wos the looters wot started all the fires" or "the poor, offended little flowers of Loyalists" or "the Home Rule Bill was a done deal", or "Tom Kent was guilty of murder, or was it treason".... or anything else you have claimed during this epic.
I don't think I have ever seen an argument end so conclusively - your case is a shambles and your denials turned out to be a pack of lies.
If you had any self-respect you would apologise - to the people on this forum who have taken a genuine interest in this subject and to the Irish people who you have smeared and attacked with your dishonest and innuendo.
The only people I have ever hated are the politicians who have caused situations such as those guilty of what has happened to Ireland.
I'll happily apologise when you qualify your accusations with a modicum of proof - as you so aptly put it, "chance would be a fine thing".
Jusr waiting to come up with his examples of the Irish hating the British - but I won't hold my breath.
Jim Carroll