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Thread #45911   Message #3793806
Posted By: Teribus
04-Jun-16 - 02:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Their researches cover from the 1600s to the mid-1970s - can't get any more comprehensive than that.

Utter bullshit "their" researches particularly his as a novelist and writer of fiction is superficial and barely scratches the surface compared to any historian who specialises in a particular period who will devote his entire life to the study of that period. "Their researches" covers what they saw as being necessary to cover what work of fiction was going to be written for commercial gain - as the primary market for this epic on Oirland would be the good ol' US of A - you would not even have to read it to predict what slant would be put on the story in order for it to sell - one thing for certain objectivity would not enter into either the research or writing of the story.

"Kinealy states that children were fed "nationalist myths" as history." - (Factual quote of what Kinealy said)

During the "Fee State" period - I've read her book

And as per usual with you, you obviously haven't understood a single bloody word of it.

Now tell us all about the "Obscene" profit made on all those Poppies. (Relevance: Something else that you read and completely misunderstood). Made for £9 a piece and sold for £25 each with all the proceeds going to Charity - £15 million in fact so what "obscene" profit? Who made it? where did it go?

Tell us the date Kitchener was forced to resign - another thing you completely misunderstood.

Tell us how with no British troops present and no British artillery in Dublin at the time the British were responsible for starting the fires in Sackville Street.

Tell us how driving at least 150,000 people from their homes in the Irish Free State causing them to flee, often with only what they wore and what they could carry, between 1922 and 1926 could not be considered "ethnic cleansing".

"we got a very biased view of Irish history which we took as gospel. A very Republican view of Irish history, and that was the view I held" - Richardson. She said that she would have joined the IRA in a heartbeat - that the same IRA who believed that the only way to unite Ireland was by force? By coercing fellow Irishmen into their union? Keith A is perfectly correct that is an expression of hatred and it is patently obvious that you have swallowed every anti-British "myth" going hook-line-and-sinker.

Another Irish historian, Ruth Dudley Edwards (Whose long-time crusade has been against the IRA, which has destroyed tens of thousands of lives and made everything worse - I couldn't agree more), draws her students and readers attention to the fact that while in school in Ireland Irish history as taught seemed to stop in 1921 and then mysteriously start up again in 1937. Any explanation for that Jim - the Civil War just didn't happen, the economic policies pushed by de Valera ruined the country and caused thousands to flee abroad and emigrate just to make a living not examined. But there again Dev hated dissenting voices didn't he. So do you to the extent that you have to make stuff up and put words in people's mouths in order for you introduce crap to support your highly biased, bigoted and Anglophobic views.