The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3793887
Posted By: Jim Carroll
05-Jun-16 - 03:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"As I said, some Irish must inevitably hate Britain if they believe all the lies fed to them as children."
Only some Keith, after, how did you put it "generations of school children have been brainwashed to believe Britain should be blamed, keeping hate alive." ?
That's not much of a result for generations of brainwashing, is it.
Do you know any of these people or can you describe what form this hatred takes?
No you *******can't, because it doesn't exist; it is a figment of your twisted imagination - an invention on your part.
Yes - there is inter-religious on the island of Ireland - we'll be getting a display of it in couple of weeks time - in Derry and Belfast and Drumcree...... in British Ireland.
The Irish as a group, are the most friendly, hospitable and welcoming people I have ever met - to Britons and to all visitors - the are noted for it - 'cead mile failte' means exactly what it says - one hundred thousand welcomes.
You have been unable to give one general example of Irish hatred towards the British - one speck of evidence of your claims - so once again you lied, you made it all up for some reason, I suggest because of your hatred of the Irish rather than the other way around - sure - we know 'some of your best friends are Irish' - of course they are.
The Irish I know are gregarious, friendly and outward looking - welcoming to strangers from anywhere in the world - a far cry from my experiences in London (you have been given the figures of admitted racism in Britain)
Doesn't mean racism doesn't exist here, of course it does, but it does not impinge on our daily lives as it did in Britain, where, to my shame, I often avoided expressing my views on racism for fear of causing an argument.
Irish kids are bilingual from schooldays and many will take on other languages when they leave school - off the top of my head I can think of youngsters who are conversant in German, Greek, Japanese, Arabic, French, Russian, Czech..... mainly working kids from a farming background - beats the little Englander attitude that appears to ooze from every pore of you pair of bigots.
They will use those skills to travel the globe to seek work and fresh experiences while back home, you are erecting walls to keep foreigners out and voting on whether Britain wishes to be part of Europe.
Your schizophrenic invention of generations of brainwashed kids was bizarre in every sense.
First you made your hate-filled statement, then you denied making it and accused me of inventing it, now you are back in full-swing, hating away.
You claim a hate-filled Irish people, yet you refuse to give examples - so, as I said, you made it all up.
I don't think I have ever come across two more arrogant, detesting, national-self-important, anachronistic bigots in my life, still fighting the battles of the Empire and waving the flag for a Britain that no longer has any industry to speak of and is totally dependent on buying abroad, and politically has become the tail of the U.S. dog, to be wagged to order.
British people are, in general wonderful to live among, talented, humane (if somewhat reserved in places) and generous and by and large, tolerant of most things (you pair seem to be misfits), but boy, are they being given the shitty end of the stick by our politicians!
This has been one of the most distastefully racist-generated arguments I have ever experienced (slightly in front of those on The Famine) - you have openly lied and distorted, you have dismissed documented facts and have refused to give any of your own, you personally have admitted having neither knowledge of or interest in Irish history, yet you have kept up your spray of vitriol against the Irish - you are both microcosms of Imperial Britain at its very worst.
I would ask you again to provide examples of the hate-filled Irish towards the British people, but I know I would be wasting my time.
I'll have a quick shufti to see if I can find any worthwhile information for you to ignore, then I'm gone - another nice day here and some nice people to meet to get rid the foul taste you pair have left in my mouth.
Jim Carroll