The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3793902
Posted By: Jim Carroll
05-Jun-16 - 05:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"Jim, I have no experience of Irish schools."
Then how dare you claim they are all brainwashed on the basis of a few out of context comments by people who have failed to perovide a qualification for what you claim they said?
You haven't read Kineally's book yet you continue to claim something that she does not believe - I have read her book - you call me a liar.
"How can you claim that has had no effect?"
How can you claim it has or if that it happened if you can give no example of it.
That ought to be enough to convince you you are wrong.
You are more interested in your hate-driven agenda - yours is the hate - not the Irish
Prove me wrong and tell my how that "hate" manifests itself.
The IRA wasw a product of the British partitioning of Ireland - not the Irish education system - todays IRA are mainly made up of British citizens living and having been educated in The North.
You can only substantiate historians if you have read them and have understood fully what they are saying - Kineally and Diarmuid Ferriter's baptism of fire proved that.
To say the Irish have been "branwashed" is aa squalid a racist attack as they come, aimed at adults and children, to deny you said what you said and accuse me of making it up is blatantly dishonest and now to come back and say the same thing is stupid beyond words.
You are beyond a joke.
Jim Carroll