The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3793978
Posted By: Jim Carroll
05-Jun-16 - 03:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
This has begone beyond an irritating joke to something far more sinister.
IF THE IRISH HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED TO HATE THE ENGLISH, WHERE IS THAT HATRED? Are you seriously suggesting that we are living in an 'Invasion of the Bodysnatchers' world where everybody is not really what they seem and they have really all been conditioned to hate us?
Do the people I grew up with really hate me because I am English?
You are now totally insane - your obsessive hatred has probably made you so
Has it ever occurred to you that it's not the English the Irish hate, just people like you to who drench them in racist abuse - I've often wondered why the Irish don't hate the English considering the centuries of abuse they have been put through - and you are displaying a form of that abuse now.
There are Irish people who contribute to this thread, I know several of them personally and I am aware that they share my interest in Irish history.
Have we all been brainwashed to think alike and hate the English like ***** zombies?
One of the things we had to get used to when we became regular visitors to Ireland was the fact that we were surrounded by practicing Christians - while I didn't share their beliefs, I always admired those who reflected the "love thy fellow man" teachings of their religion - especially the older ones - you appear to be totally devoid of such an attitude.
You claim to be a Christian - have you been brainwashed to behave in the way that no other Christian I have ever met does?
You want to understand what those writers really say, then I suggest you overcome your "disinterest" and read their books.
You want to prove that the Irish have been bnrainwashed to hate, then tell us how that hatred manifests itself.
I watched with a degree of grim amusement when you told Fergie; "
Subject: RE: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
From: Keith A of Hertford - PM
-21 Apr 16 - 12-12 PM Sorry Fergie, but the fact is that none of your points stand up.
I "dismissed" them only by showing them to be false.
You have been taken in by propaganda in place of hard history"

He had not long completed his CD at the time and I know he had put a fair time researching the songs on it, yet you, who have stated quite clearly that you have never read a book on Ireland and have no interest in doing so, could make such a crassly arrogant statement.
You are now abusing me in exactly the same way, and my family, friends and neighbours.
I suggest you stop this NOW - this abusive racism has gone far enough.
If you don't, I will be tempted to ask Joe to have you removed - this forum doesn't need people who dish up this sort of hateful garbage.
Jim Carroll