The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3794037
Posted By: Teribus
06-Jun-16 - 03:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
At the present time, the whole of Ireland is celebrating what it regards to be one of the most important events in its history

I thought it was commemorating the events of 1916. I would dearly like to know what there is to celebrate about the deaths of 485 people whose deaths were a pointless and unnecessary waste of human life.

Two people have decided to use this thread to attack the Irish as a race and have gone to great lengths to do this.

Really? Who are they? I would love to see quoted examples of these attacks. All I have noted have been posts attacking the mythology of the events that led up to the Easter Rising and what happened as a result of it. I have seen no attack on the Irish as a race at all - quite the opposite in fact.

we could walk away and leave them to it - we could do that whenever any two bully boys decide to take over any subject and drive it into the ground.
That's not the way free speech works.

Reading through this thread Jim, who was it that was going on about there being a "pecking order" and reminding people of where they stood in that order? Who was it that was calling for people to be thrown off and banned from posting? That was you wasn't it? Well Mr.Carroll "That's not the way free speech works." either.

Points made by you relevant to the subject of this thread have been disproven and you have responded by making up baseless allegations and firing them like buckshot from a scatter gun, when that didn't work you attempted to divert the subject matter of the thread, as I have said before if you wish to discuss the Famine then open a thread on it - you will find it rather a lonely place.