The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3794062
Posted By: Teribus
06-Jun-16 - 06:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"You want to discuss The Easter Rising, fine, as long as you provide backup to your statements I'm happy to respond"

What statements of fact that I have made do you require back up to?

1: You said that the Home Rule Bill of 1914 was defeated by the Tories and the House of Lords. Keith A and myself pointed out to you that not only was the Bill not defeated it was passed into law on the 18th September 1914 when it received Royal Assent. At no time at all have you conceded that your original contention was wrong.

It is not required to put up substantiation for any of that as it is a simple matter of Parliamentary and historical record - just Google Irish Home Rule Bill 1914. If you cannot do that or are not prepared to do that in order to keep a dearly held "myth" alive then please have the honesty and integrity to admit it.

2: You said that in the time between the 1914 Home Rule Bill becoming an Act and the Easter Rising the Bill was amended, altered and changed by the British Government. It was pointed out to you that under Parliamentary procedure that what you stated was impossible. To amend an Act of Parliament then a Bill has to be introduced and be debated in Parliament - Again a simple matter of record - no such Amending Bills were ever introduced or passed in the period. If you think alterations were made then it is up to you to provide the proof that amendments were made and added as clauses to the Act.

3: You rather emotively made the statement that the Curragh Incident in March 1914 constituted an act of military aggression. Keith A and myself pointed out to you that there was no act of military aggression committed, and the record shows that there was no "Mutiny" by any stretch of the imagination, not one single order given was disobeyed and that the preventative measures to ensure that arms depots in the North of Ireland were secure.

4: You stated that the Republican Nationalists had the support and backing of the people of Ireland. Keith A, myself and others have pointed out the fallacy of that statement. The rising was the idea of a tiny clique, within an clique, within a clique. Most of the men who turned out on that Easter Week-end in 1916 hadn't the foggiest notion of what they had assembled to do. Those responsible for planning the rising did not even inform their own organisation as to what they were about to do.

5: You have stated that the IRB and those looking to mount the insurrection did not collude with the Germans in order to bring their plans to fruition. Simple matter of record indicates that all the evidence points to the fact that from 4th September 1914 they undoubtedly did collude with the Germans.

6: You have stated that the British used Heavy Artillery in Dublin to suppress the Rising. Keith A and myself pointed out to you and provided links whereby you could check for yourself that at no time at all was there any Heavy Artillery present in Ireland at that time. No concession on your part that your original statement was wrong.

7: You stated quite clearly that it was British artillery fire that started the fires that gutted Sackville Street. Keith A and myself pointed out to you that the fires on Sackville Street were started before British troops or artillery arrived in Dublin. Links were given of work undertaken for this years commemorative programmes by RTE and Boston College that substantiate that fires were started before the arrival of British troops and artillery, those links also indicate that the fires started on the 24th April 1916 burned unchecked for 40 hours before any artillery fire fell on rebel positions on Sackville Street.

8: You stated that permanent partition was guaranteed to the Northern Irish Unionists by the British Government. Keith A and myself have pointed out to you that no such guarantee was ever given and you have not been able to provide any evidence that such a guarantee was ever given. Substantiation that no such guarantee was ever given comes in the form of only temporary time limited partition being included in any Government of Ireland Act.

The list of your ill-informed and incorrect suppositions is massive, the above are only eight examples.