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Thread #45911   Message #3794123
Posted By: Teribus
06-Jun-16 - 01:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Still struggling to make this into a Famine thread then Jim.

And it was you and Raggy who were so sensitive about getting names right if I remember correctly.

Care to explain the point in your repeated Wiki cut'n'paste Jim?

The fires started at around 20:30hrs on the evening of the 24th April 1916. There were no British troops in the area and there were no British guns in the area - there were only two groups of people present in the area of Sackville Street at that time on that day, the Irish Volunteers and the civilian looters. So come on Sherlock tell who could not have possibly started those fires - the people you claimed did.

The fires burned unchecked for 40 hours before any artillery fire was directed at Sackville Street. Now in a built up area during those 40 hours are the fires going to get worse and build or are they just going to fizzle out - James would appear to favour the latter, common sense screams that the opposite would be the case - but logic, reasoning and common sense are not tools in Jim Carroll's armoury.

I have no doubt whatsoever that artillery fire did cause fires, but it did not start the fires that burned on Sackville Street and that is what Jim Carroll originally claimed, not just artillery but Heavy Artillery at that, i.e. weapons that were not even present in Ireland at that time - Just how wrong can you get it Jim?