The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3794491
Posted By: Teribus
08-Jun-16 - 06:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"Throughout this argument you have offered not a shred of proof of anything you say - nothing."

Shall I list the proof that I have submitted:

1: Curragh Incident - The text of the telegram sent by Sir Arthur Paget to the War Office on the 20th March 1914 - detailed the extent of resignations from the officers of the 3rd Cavalry Brigade. That evidence to counter your claims that:
(a) The Army would refuse orders to move against the UVF
(b) That half the Army threatened to resign
(c) That the Army could not be relied upon

In actual fact all orders given were obey and carried out to the letter without so much as one seconds delay.

2: You stated that the Home Rule Bill 1914 was kicked out and defeated by the Tories and the House of Lords - I posted direct links to the actual Government of Ireland Act 1914 that detailed far from having been defeated it received Royal Assent and passed into Law on the 18th September 1914.

3: You claimed that the Government of Ireland Act 1914 was altered after it had received Royal Assent. I posted direct links to the actual Government of Ireland Act 1914 that showed that at no time at all after receiving Royal Assent was the Act amended in any way between 1914 and 1920 when the Act was repealed and replaced by the Government of Ireland Act 1920.

4: You claimed that the IRB did not collude with the Germans in order to mount their armed insurrection. I posted links and detailed sources from websites detailing the history of the IRB and Irish Volunteers that showed the opposite.

5: You claimed that the Irish Volunteers did not split - yet the link you provided STATEMENT BY WITNESS DOCUMENT NO. W.S. 242 clearly states that it did - to the extent that out of a Company of 130 men when given the choice which faction to side with (Redmond-ite Constitutional Nationalists or Pearse-ite Republican Nationalists only 7 men turned out for the Republican Nationalist muster. that was representative right across the board for the Irish Volunteer Force that numbered roughly 180,000 men (92.5% of them backed Redmond - only 7.5% of them backed Pearse). To support this I quoted and provided sources from the History of the Irish Volunteers.

6: You claimed that the armed rising was backed by the people of Ireland - Both Keith A and myself supplied links, quotations and sources that showed your contention to be complete and utter nonsense. So massive was the popular support for this armed rising that the seven men who planned it kept it secret from the Executive Council of the Irish Volunteers and from the Supreme Council of the IRB - It was kept secret because those plotting this armed uprising knew that their own leaders would have stopped it in its tracks, which is what they did their utmost to do. So great was the support that only 0.04% of the population turned out for it - 1,500 out of a population of 3.1 million.

7: Artillery being the cause of the fires in Sackville Street - I think that we have conclusively shown that fires were started in Sackville Street at least 40 hours before artillery engaged any target in Sackville Street

8: Who was responsible for the destruction and loss of life? You do not have to be a genius to work out that had there not been an armed rising then none of what happened would have occurred.

9: You stated that the unionists were guaranteed permanent partition in July 1916 by Lloyd George - I supplied sources and quotations that detail that what was guaranteed was that Ulster Unionists would not be forced into any union against their will and links were provided to the Abandoned Amending Bill of 1914 which mentioned the time limited temporary exclusion for Ulster for a six year period and the Unionists agreement to this and also the details of the Government of Ireland Act 1920 that offered the same time limited temporary exclusion - That proves that at no time at all did the British Government offer the Unionists permanent partition - you were asked to provide evidence that they had - you failed to do so.