The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157087   Message #3794757
Posted By: leeneia
10-Jun-16 - 03:05 PM
Thread Name: Question re: Crossing the Water (Bill Staines)
Subject: RE: Question re: Crossing the Water (Bill Staines)
No, it's not frightening that Joe is editing lyrics.

I just read an article in the Kansas City Star about babies being killed because they are in bed with their parents. (They either suffocate in the bedding or are rolled over on.) In 2014, for example, Missouri's SIDS Resource Center said that from 2004 to 2014, there were 100 deaths related to this IN JACKSON COUNTY, MO ALONE. Jackson County is Kansas City, more or less.

In Wichita, 7 babies have died in this manner so far this year.

Now that's frightening.