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Thread #160019   Message #3794817
Posted By: Jim Carroll
11-Jun-16 - 03:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: To Br/Exit Or Not To Br/Exit
Subject: RE: BS: To Br/Exit Or Not To Br/Exit
"I am surprised by the number of irish people that have come up to me and told me to vote to leave"
My experience is exactly the opposite
Of all the countries in Europe, Ireland benefited the best out of being a member, the success of The 'Celtic Tiger', Ireland's economic boom was due to her membership - it was the national and international Bankers who naused that up - not Europe.
One thing Britain's exit would mot certainly bring about is the necessity of passports to travel to and from Ireland and the border checkpoints between the Republic and the Six Counties will be a feature of our lives once again.
Presumably, in the event of further 'Troubles' - always a possibility, especially this time of year, it will be necessary to send troops to maintain order.
Britain leaving Europe will set the Peace Process back a quarter of a century.
It appears from this side of the Irish Sea that the Brexit Campaign has been more about 'winning back' a mythical independence that Britain can no longer have because of Thatcher's and her ilk's systematic destruction of Britain's Industry and less about the well being of Britain and her people.
I've never been a great fan of Europe's political agenda but I have come around to accepting the economic and social benefits of membership, when handled properly.
Britain's approach to membership has always been a "to be or not to be" one - completely a half-arsed of trying to get benefits without accepting any of the responsibility.
I found some of the public interviews on whether to say or go, somewhat quaintly archaic and in some cases, utterly ludicrous, dating beyond the Battle of Waterloo as far back as The Armada.
One thing is certain, exit will be an utter disaster for the unemployed who will not be able to find work in Britain and will no longer be able to travel abroad freely for work.   
Six years ago there were 397 million Britons living abroad - that figure has now accelerated considerably
This appears to be the situation in Europe
This whole thing seems to be as thought through to me as anything else regarding immigration to Britain has - not at all
"What does that say about you intelligence?"
Wow - a bit of a 'Road to Damascus for you, of all people Teribus!
I'd have thought Farrago to be much nearer the point - the man's a Crypto-Fascist, beer-swilling buffoon whose policies go not go beyond getting rid of Johnny-foreigner.
His first job, if he ever attains any sort of authority, will be to muzzle members of his own party so as not to reveal what Ukip is really about.   
Jim Carroll