The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29847   Message #379483
Posted By: Little Neophyte
22-Jan-01 - 08:25 AM
Thread Name: Do I Really Need To Wear A Strap?
Subject: Do I Really Need To Wear A Strap?
When I first starting taking banjo instruction, I thought when Rick Fielding wanted to use the strap on me that meant I was going to get a 'lickin' if I didn't do my lessons but then I realized his wise advice had to do with wearing a strap on my instrument and the importance of getting use to it.

I tend to avoid wearing a strap and I am not sure why. To me it feels like wearing a seat belt. I avoid it at all costs. I don't stand with my banjo because I don't have to perform in front of others standing up.
I was told it helps to stand in front of the mirror to perform and I can see the value in that but I don't know, just not my thing.

I finally did purchase a strap but I never put it on my banjo. It still has the price tag on it and it is collecting dust on my couch.
When I look at old photos of people playing the banjo they don't have a strap on theirs. I know my instrument is very expensive and I would hate to drop it but that logic doesn't outweigh my resistance to putting a strap on.
Am I avoiding the inevitable. That eventually I will have to stand and play and I might as well start getting use to it now. Or can I always get away with playing my banjo sitting down where I feel most comfortable just holding onto my banjo free style.

What do you guys think of wearing a strap?
