The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45911   Message #3794944
Posted By: Teribus
11-Jun-16 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
Subject: RE: BS: Easter Rising - April 24-29, 1916
"This is the mythology that was taught in Irish Schools - nothing to do with teaching to hate anybody, rather it is exactly the opposite.
"The first annual report of the Department of Education highlighted the fact that the central educational aim of the Free State was 'the strengthening of the national fibre by giving the language, music, history and tradition of Ireland their natural place in the life of Irish schools'.25 Policy makers intended history to reflect a romantic but unhistorical ideal of Ireland's Gaelic past held by many Irish revolutionaries. Pearse, for example, idealised education in pagan and early Christian Ireland and argued that its character could be revived through an education of 'adequate inspiration'.26 He believed that 'a heroic tale is more essentially a factor in education than a proposition in Euclid ... what Ireland wants beyond a new birth of the heroic spirit'.27"

i.e. The new Free State Government wanted and deliberately directed that instead of history they had to teach school children in the Irish Free State bullshit. By the way is this the same Pearse character who wanted one of the German Crown Princes to become King of Ireland after Germany won the First World War?

They {The Government of the newly independent Ireland} wanted "to reflect a romantic but unhistorical ideal of Ireland's Gaelic past held by many Irish revolutionaries." - In other words indoctrination = "brainwashing" a load of complete and utter codswallop - If you are going to teach history then teach F*****G History not some complete and utter prat's romantic notion of what he thought things were like.

"You will not find a reference to "brainwashing children to hate", or distorting or lying or anything resembling any of these things."

Oh no? Mr Carroll just WTF do you think the following means "to reflect a romantic but unhistorical ideal of Ireland's Gaelic past There is History pure and simple there is no such thing as romantic history and if you teach something as "history" that is "unhistorical" then you are filling the minds of children with bullshit, which is wrong. But there again the crowd who put this train wreck on the tracks somehow had to justify why under their direction Irishmen had been killing Irishmen for Irish independence for the best part of two years and they still ended up with a partitioned island because a large number of Irishmen wanted no part of their "revolutionary dream".