The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160062   Message #3794945
Posted By: Steve Shaw
11-Jun-16 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: Queen's 90th
Subject: RE: Queen's 90th
Well it sounds like you live your life rather similarly to the way I live mine. I have no need to feel jealous of the royals, in fact, as you seem to be implying, in many regards they are probably to be pitied rather than envied. Maybe she does get "sent," etc., but she's 90 fer chrissake and she could decently have butted out twenty or twenty-five years ago if she'd really wanted to. This talk of gilded cages, her bring trapped, etc., is a load of hooey. And if she wants a stroll in the park, why, she has a bloody great big park at the back of her humble London abode, as well as a rather huge one up in Scotland, and she would never have to worry about being forced to mix with the plebs in either as she strolled around them. In fact, her only worry would be to avoid stepping in some occasional corgi shit.