The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160062   Message #3794962
Posted By: Steve Shaw
11-Jun-16 - 09:39 PM
Thread Name: Queen's 90th
Subject: RE: Queen's 90th
But seriously. The monarchy is no trivial matter. It is the culmination of many centuries of unearned privilege to which we are supposed to doff our caps and wave our union jacks. Of course it hasn't necessarily increased inequality, but it has legitimised it and made it far more difficult to counter. That's exactly what privilege does and is intended to do. There is a massive media machine protecting and promoting the royals. Even that can't prevent the more discerning among us (not including Kevin, evidently) from detecting the fact that they are a bunch of people of rather average intelligence and often dubious morality who are detached from reality by virtue of their inherited wealth and the non-requirement of them ever to do an honest day's work. It's hardly "troll talk" to have the temerity to point this out. In fact, if Kevin were to get his way and such talk were to be suppressed (presumably that's what he'd want with a troll), then we wouldn't be living in a democracy worthy of its name. I don't need to go comparing us with other nations who are unlike us in all manner of ways to see that we'd be a damn sight better off without this bunch of spoiled parasites. Happy birthday, anachronism!