The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160062   Message #3794992
Posted By: Senoufou
12-Jun-16 - 04:23 AM
Thread Name: Queen's 90th
Subject: RE: Queen's 90th
I don't imagine that, with the intensive 'indoctrination' the Queen has been subjected to from early life, she is even capable of considering Abdication. The more I think about it, she really is a sort of prisoner. The 'walk in her enormous garden' isn't all that different from a spot of fresh air in a prison exercise yard, but with grass.
I genuinely admire her steadfastness and loyalty to her position. And it seems to me she has been blessed with a tremendously 'noble' character.
Please don't misunderstand me, I'm actually coming to believe that the Monarchy is an anachronism nowadays, and needs radically paring down to a very simple, low-key role (similar to the Dutch perhaps). And it's quite true that most of the other 'supporting cast' are a bunch of spongers with dodgy personalities and lifestyles. I could name several that I would pension off with a shilling if it was in my power.
It will be interesting, when the time comes, to see how Charles deals with his kingship. He appears to have some rather radical ideas and may introduce sweeping changes in the System.
I would never curtsey to anyone, royal or not. (Except my parents-in-law in Africa, since that is the tradition and I don't mind doing it as they're sweeties and totally delightful!)