The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1221   Message #3795
Posted By:
03-Apr-97 - 06:21 PM
Thread Name: Delaware
Subject: ADD Version: Delaware (Irving Gordon)

Why did Cal-i-phone-ya? Why did Cal-i-phone?
Why did Cal-i-phone-ya? Was she all a-lone? She called to say Ha-Wai-a, She called to say Ha-wai-a,
She called to say Ha-wai-a, That's why she did phone.

What did Mis-sis-sip, boy? What did Mis-sis-sip?
What did Mis-sis-sip, Boy? Thro' her pretty lip?
She sipped a Min-ne-so-ta, She sipped a Min-ne-so-ta
She sipped a Min-ne-so-ta, That's what she did sip.

Where has Or-e-gon, boy? Where has Or-e-gon?
If you want Al-las-ka, Al-las-ka where she's gone.
She went to pay her Tex-as, She went to pay her Tex-as,
She went to pay her Tex-as, That's where she has gone.

How did Wis-con-sin, boy? She stome a New-brass-key,
Too bad that Ar-kan-saw, And so did Ten-new-see.
It made poor Flo-ra-die, boy, It made poor Flo-ra-die, You see
she died in Mis-sou-ri, boy, She died in Mis-sou-ri.

Words and Music by IRVING GORDON 1960