The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3795083
Posted By: Jim Carroll
12-Jun-16 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"Both your obsessive fixations on the individual rather than the topic of the thread exemplifies perfectly why some choose to post anonymously when that option is available to them."
You use your anonymity in order to freely and excessively replace argument with gutter-level abuse and in doing so, yo have no right whatever to complain when others return your behaviour in kind.
Your use of anonymity is a form of cowardice - you would never dare to behave the way you do from behind the safety of your keyboard as you would face-to face - I know damn well if you behaved the way you do in person to some of the people I've met you'd be sent home with your teeth in your pocket.
Perhaps it might help if you pretended we were arguing over a pint - that would slow your gallop somewhat.
You automatically react to arguments you can't handle with a scream of "Antisemitism"
Keith has been a bit more inventive and has gone through a small repertoire of tricks
He used to hide behind unacceptable arguments by claiming he only said them because somebody else did.
Then he discovered the "historian" gambit by selecting right -sounding scoops from the net and presenting them as gospel from "eminent" historians *who he'd never heard of five minutes earlier and certainly never read.
Of late he's taken to making statements, denying he ever made them, then, when proved he has, goes on to defend them as strongly as he was before he "never said them".
The latest thing is to make statements and, when asked for substantiation, go silent for a few posts and repeat them all over again - as often as he sees fit - which is exactly what he is doing here.
Teribus just acts like a bully, talks down to people most of the time and makes pronouncements he never feels the need to season with proof, expecting what he has said tio be accepted without question.   
This is a great forum, or could be if it wasn't for people who behave like you trio.
I believe that collectively, this forum has enough collective knowledge to build cities if it was used to exchange ideas rather than score points.
With you lot, winning seems to be more important that finding the truth or at least, to come to some mutual conclusion.
Ths makes discussion in which you are involved both unfruitful and unpleasant.
You really need to look to your own behaviour before you start pointing fingers.
I heve no problem with healthy robust argument - I much prefer it to anodyne agreement, but you lot have become beyind the pale.
If you refer to me as an "Antisemite" one more time I shall move heaven and earth to have you removed from this thread - that goes for Keith as well - I can come with the bully - I got used to it in primary school.
Jim Carroll