The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160080   Message #3795334
Posted By: Stu
13-Jun-16 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: thoughts on change
Subject: RE: BS: thoughts on change
Why weapons like this, that are solely designed to kill as many people as possible as easily as possible are for sale to anyone is beyond me. Baffling.

I don;t know how a society combats this, but looking at the US from the inside out it seems to be a sizeable part of the population is reverting to religious fundamentalism, the lauding of demagogues, permanent and pervasive fear and an acceptance of the sort of brutality the Camorra would be proud of.

Such a fantastic country with resourceful, intelligent people needs to get a grip and admit that on guns, it is very, very wrong.

5,967 deaths by shooting so far this year. For crying out loud, this is slaughter.