The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160090   Message #3795549
Posted By: Steve Gardham
14-Jun-16 - 09:31 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Drowsy Sleeper
Subject: RE: Origins: Drowsy Sleeper
Hi Richie,
Again you seem to be confusing 'song/ballad' and 'theme' when using the word 'version'. Songs that have the same theme but no substantial text in common are versions of a theme but not versions of the same song. Child sometimes had this problem so you're in good company.

There are many different 'night visit' songs on a similar theme but we wouldn't class them all as the same song.

Taking this even further there are actually 2 distinct 'Drowsy Sleeper' songs Roud 22620 and 22621. Laws even confused them and gave them the same number M4 but they are not the same song. 22621 is only found in America and could have picked up its initial stanza from the English broadside ballad which has caused the confusion by those who haven't looked at the whole song(s).

You can see this easily in the 2 versions you have already posted.