The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160090   Message #3795760
Posted By: Richie
14-Jun-16 - 10:39 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Drowsy Sleeper
Subject: RE: Origins: Drowsy Sleeper

This is one of several broadsides that resemble "drowsy sleeper" although different ballads.

The Secret Lover; c. 1672

A Dainty spruce young Gallant, that lived in the "West,
He courted a young Lady, and real love profest:
And coming one night to her, his mind he thus exprest,—
And sing, Go from my Window, love, go !

"What is my Love a-sleeping? or is my Love awake?"
"Who knocketh at the Window, who knocketh there so late?"
"It is your true love, Lady, that for your sake doth wait."
And sing, Go from the Window, love, go!

"Then open me your Father's Gate, and do not me deny;
Bat grant to me your true love, or surely I shall dye."
"I dare not open now the Gates, for fear my Father spy!"
And sing, Go from my Window, love, go!

"O Dearest, be not daunted, thou needest not to fear;
Thy Father may be sleeping, our loves he shall not hear:
Then open it without delay, my joy and only Dear!"
And sing, Go from the Window, love, go!

"My Father he doth watch me, his jealousie is so:
If he should chance to catch me, 0 then what should we do?
Therefore I dare not venture, my dear to open now."
And sing, Go from my Window, love, go!

"I wish there were no Hinges, nor yet no Key nor Lock;
That I might come unto my love, now she is in her Smock!"
"O peace and be contented! I hear my Father knock."
    And sing, Go from my Window, love, go!

"O Daughter dear, why are you out of your Bed so late?"
"0 Father, I am very sick, and in distressed state."
"Methinks I hear some body under your Window prate."
    And sing, Go from my Window, love, go!

"0 Father, 'tis the Watch-men, this Evening, passing by."
Hark, how a faithful Lover can frame a pritty lye!
"0 Daughter, I command you unto your bed to hye."
    And sing, Go from my Window, love, go!

"Dear Father, I obey you, and quickly I am gone;
But yet I am not willing to leave my Love alone:
Bo soon as you are Sleeping, I down again will come."
And sing, Go from my Window, love, go!

And then she sent her Maiden unto her Chamber straight;
And came unto her true Love, who at the Door did wait:
And open'd him the Wickit, for all it was so late.
   And sing, Go from my Window, love, go! 40

Then softly he did enter, and to the Lady said:
"My Love, there is no Danger, we cannot be betray'd:
Let us enjoy our Pleasure, and never be afraid."
    And sing, Go from my Window, lore, go!

And thus this Faithful Couple their wishes had at last:
For all her Jealous Father, the sweets of love they taste:
And when the day appeared, her Love away did haste:
    And sing, Go from my Window, love, go!

Printed for P. Brooksby, at the Golden-ball, near the Hospital-gate, in West-Smithfield.
