The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29847   Message #379593
Posted By: Little Neophyte
22-Jan-01 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: Do I Really Need To Wear A Strap?
Subject: RE: Do I Really Need To Wear A Strap?
Much to ponder on here, thanks for all your thoughts.

It is true, when I first started taking up the banjo I wasn't focused where I am now on the old-timey tunes. And you never know, I may not always be so narrowly focused as I feel I am right now on the specific music I want to learn.
I like your idea Rick of having a fold up chair so I will always have something to sit on.
After reading these posting though, I have a feeling I will put some efforts into getting more use to playing standing up. Maybe the wool strap is the ticket?

This is all very helpful advice and is getting me to address this issue. Some day I am quite sure I will have to play standing up and I would rather be prepared then to be feeling nervous about that last minute.
Thanks guys
