The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160090   Message #3796338
Posted By: Richie
17-Jun-16 - 10:01 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Drowsy Sleeper
Subject: RE: Origins: Drowsy Sleeper
Hi Steve,

According to Malcolm Douglas who was helping on the old thread: "There are some 23 examples in Greig-Duncan volume 4, which I don't have."

The letter is mentioned in the 1828 broadside:

So now my dear daughter I have deprived you
Of your love whom I have sent to see; (sic)
And now you may send him a letter,
With your misfortunes acquainted to be.

In the 1901 version, the UK rap song:

O, who is that that raps at my window
As I lie on my bed of ease?
I'll go and write my love a letter,
And he will read it when he please.

And in a dozen of US versions- to me it's mysterious connection- the broadside is more clear of the letter's intention.

I've written about 4 pages of headnotes, if anyone would like to look over them please do:

