The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29856   Message #379718
Posted By: Mrrzy
22-Jan-01 - 02:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: And the assault begins....BUSHwhacked
Subject: RE: BS: And the assault begins....BUSHwhacked
*SIGH* anybody read Carolyn Hax (Tell Me About It)? She asked someone "what crawled up your [bleep] and died?" My question is, who died and made the US the only knower of what is Right? I am reminded of the attempt to outlaw that stuff some Arabs in the Gulf were chewing (this was back in the gulf war days) because it has mind-alterning effects - I remember even more the Letter to the Editor about it, asking if the US personnel had decided to outlaw this "on their coffee break, their cigarette break, or their beer break" - I mean, opinions are OPINIONS, not facts! Not TRUTH! The fact is that I am pro-choice, but that doesn't mean that I believe it to be a fact that a fetus isn't a human being. I just define a pregnancy as a woman's body part, till it isn't any more. And I also believe that the anti-choice position is wrong. But I wouldn't say that it IS wrong, only that I believe it to be so!

Now, if only I could get my Mom to think like that... THEN I can begin work on the rest of the world!