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Thread #29856   Message #379738
Posted By: Skeptic
22-Jan-01 - 02:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: And the assault begins....BUSHwhacked
Subject: RE: BS: And the assault begins....BUSHwhacked

The RR uses the exact techniques of intimidation that you describe to great effect. Just like an extremist of any flavor. They rely, in part on the fact that most people are too polite and not willing to go to the mat with them. Try calling them a fascist bigot. Literally. Accuse them of being Un-American and quote the Constitution at them. Very effective (in my experience) at places like the PTA or in church meetings because then you have labeled them and they have to defend themselves. The best defense against them is really a good, offensive, offense.

Kat, I don't think Bush can do a lot about Roe v Wade directly. Congress could, but probably won't. Baring Congress passing a law banning abortion (that would almost mandate Supreme Court review), I don't see it happening. And I hope and pray I'm right. I suppose they could orchestrate a case and make sure a series of very conservative ideologues push it up the Court ladder to get it to the Court. The Court hasn't seemed all that willing to address the issue.

What I think he will do is pressure the FDA to reverse itself on the morning after pill, and use executive orders to limit access and funding as much as possible without actually banning them. Not that that's a lot of comfort.

A question: Why does the moderate conservative cant "except in cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother" give them the moral high-ground? Coming at this as an insensitive male, I can understand the life of the mother: The other two I think I would have trouble with if I was anti-abortion. Incest has a higher probability of birth defects but that arguement leads to a subset of eugenics. Rape has significant and severe emotional/physical issues for the woman but that's not the fault of the unborn fetus. If abortion is, in their view, taking the life of a human being, why are the exceptions allowed and accepted? Morally as opposed to politically or practically??

The distinction always seemed hypocritical but rarely challenged.

In general, Bush is a pragmatists. He may pay lip service to the far right and do what he can for them. But not go out of his way for them. What he will do is push Big Business issues. Further limits to the right to bring suit. Requiring higher levels of proof for an employee to bring suit, deregulation and limiting corporate liability. Drop the Microsoft suit and so on.



PS: The sad part about the contradictions found on bumper stickers is that the people who own the car don't see it