The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160168   Message #3798437
Posted By: Jim Carroll
30-Jun-16 - 10:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Demise of the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: Demise of the Labour Party
2Do you think Fidel Castro built his society on tolerance and compassion."
Not tolerance certainly - too near the U.S. to take that chance (87 attempts to assassinate Castro).
Compassion is a different matter altogether
Prior to the Revolution, Cuba was a place where American tourists went to see stage performances of Cuban women being fucked by donkeys, it was referred to as "America's open sewer".
Despite decades of Trade embargo, attempted invasions, and the constant threat from the world's most powerful nation, the Castro regime has improved the lot of the Cuban people, has and education system the envy of the Third World (fancy educating slaves!!!) and a health service also regarded as among the best among nations in a similar situation and with Cuba's history.
The people of Vietnam are probably still traumatised by having burning jellified petrol and cancer-causing chemicals poured on them for nearly half a century by the "tolerant and compassionate" Yanks.
I don't suppose for one moment you'll even bother acknowledging any of this, so much is your concern for "tolerance and compassion!!"
Jim Carroll