The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160168   Message #3798476
Posted By: Jim Carroll
30-Jun-16 - 02:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Demise of the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: Demise of the Labour Party
Not quite sure the point of your link Keith unless it's a way of admitting you were wrong about there being a great deal of Antisemitism in the Labour Party and suggesting that "many" Labour members and "The NEC were worried that there aws - though I think we've seen the last of your apologising for anything after your appalling slurs on Jo Cox.
There never was a worrying amount of Atisemitism in the labour Party and what there was is down to the Israeli propaganda machine using the Jewish People as a whole as an excuse for their crimes.
I think Corbyn is wrong in attempting to silence those who use Nazi comparisons for what is happening in modern Israel - if Holocaust survivors, ex Mossad chiefs and Jews throughout the world can make such a comparison, so can the rest of us.
Israel has made the ter4m "Antisemitism" totally meaningless - in doing so, they have painted targets on all Jews and cleared a path for real Antisemites.
Ruth Smeeth
is the director of The Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM) which is a UK-based organisation which acts to promote awareness of Israel and the Middle East in the United Kingdom. BICOM publishes materials on the history, economy, culture and politics of Israel, Middle East peace plans, terrorism in the Middle-East, UK-Israel relations and foreign policy.
She is a pro Isreali activist - proof that the Labour Party is riddled with such people rather than with Antisemites.
This whole thing has been an exercise in pro-Israeli propaganda from day one.
"but this thread is not about Israel."
Not to you maybe Keith, but you are a pro-Israeli activist - what else would you do?
Jim Carroll