The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160168   Message #3798592
Posted By: Jim Carroll
01-Jul-16 - 09:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Demise of the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: Demise of the Labour Party
"but isn't the founder of momentum, and political supporter of Corbyn, a prominent jew....????"
His statements make sense to me - unlike you, there are no hysterical shrieks of "Antisemitism" whenever somebody criticises Israel.
Many Jews are vociferous critics of Israel - all written of as "self-hating Jews"
Jim Carroll
"Labour, Israel, Palestinians and Jews[edit]
Lansman was interviewed by The Jewish Chronicle in January 2016. He was asked about attitudes to Israel in the Labour Party and the attitudes of Jews towards it: "Yes, of course the vast majority of British Jews are supportive of Israel as a Jewish state – and actually so is Jeremy – but they are far from supportive of all aspects of what is currently happening there", he said. "I think Jews in Britain want peace too. I think Jeremy's message of fairness for the Palestinians is not something that will be rejected by the Jewish community."[3]
At the end of April 2016, after long-standing Corbyn ally Ken Livingstone had made comments which led to his suspension from Labour Party membership, Lansman was quoted as saying: "A period of silence from Ken Livingstone is overdue, especially on antisemitism, racism and Zionism. It's time he left politics altogether."[19] A few days later, in early May, he wrote on the Left Futures blog that the use of the term Zionist to describe supporters of the government in Israel was "counter-productive". He cited one poll in which a larger majority of British Jews, 71%, favoured a Palestinian state, and 75% opposed the Israeli settlements, while only 68% identified as Zionists.[20] A "rational debate about how to change the terms of the current debate" requires, in Lansman opinion, an acknowledgement "that people on the left may also demonstrate some prejudice of their own."[20]"