The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29856   Message #379964
Posted By: Bill D
22-Jan-01 - 06:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: And the assault begins....BUSHwhacked
Subject: RE: BS: And the assault begins....BUSHwhacked
Bush, nor anyone else can 'force' me to pray..etc...but he CAN put people into important positions who WISH to tell me how to live, pray, behave...etc...and who can seriously affect my well being and finances, as well as the environment we all must live in...and I do NOT believe he and his crew will have MY best interests at heart.

(As to establishment of religion...the mere fact that someone placed "In God We Trust" onto our money and changed the Pledge of Allegence to add 'under God' a number of years back puts pressure on us to 'accept' that "God"...not Buddha, Allah, Mohammed, etc....but implicitly the 'God' of the Christian tradition is somehow running things in the I have said before...I believe in freedom of religion...THAT is right! but...**"Freedom OF religion MUST imply freedom FROM religion for those who wish"**)

NO ONE should interfere with your wishes to worship as you please...or NOT have abortions...or to tell your kids about Santa Claus....but neither should anyone tell ME that my opinion about God, abortions. etc. is wrong and try to make MY position illegal.