The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160242   Message #3800410
Posted By: Jim Carroll
15-Jul-16 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Theresa May, failure and hypocrite
Subject: RE: BS: Theresa May, failure and hypocrite
"You could say the same for Saddam,"
We didn't help create, support and help supply Saddam and we bear no responsibility for his actions
One you start appeasing monsters - like any of them, you become one of them
"You people are ruled by your "liberal" ideology."
No - by our humanity
- you cannot weigh up someone who instagate the massacre of his people against any other monster, they are all monsters (even if, in the case of Assad, we have helped them thrive) and none of of them are better than the other.
If we had supported the Arabs who were trying to bring democracy (no matter what form) into dictatorships, Isis would never have gained the support it did
We song arms to Qaddafi then supported the rebels, we sold chemicals, riot control equipment and ammunition to Assad - he used them against his people while we stood by and did nothing - enter Isis stage right.
You snide on about Te Arab Spring so presumably everybody who suffers under allies such as Assad, Qaddafi, the Saudis, who we sell masses of arms to.... should bear their burden in silence.
If you were so virulently opposed to the Arab Spring, what on earth do you think was going to happen top these protesters?
They did the local thing and turned to anybody who they thought might help them.
We didn't, and now we're fighting alongside ta bloody dictator.
Blair was fighting for oil, not to democratise Iraq or anywhere.
The Arab Spring was about the conditions these people were living under at the hands of the West's allies
Jim Carroll