The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160090   Message #3800481
Posted By: Richie
15-Jul-16 - 07:27 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Drowsy Sleeper
Subject: RE: Origins: Drowsy Sleeper

I've finished the headnotes on the Drowsy Sleeper, a ballad that encompasses 6 different ballads. You may read the headnotes on my site: There are also separate headnotes for the US versions and UK versions.

I want to thank everyone who participated in this study and particularly Steve Gardham who sent me the Greig-Duncan versions- they are all on my site. I also want to thank other mudcatters who participated in the earlier threads: East Virginia.

This is a complex ballad and the six groups have subgroups as well as related ballads (The Lover's Ghost/ East Virginia etc.). All suggestions or additional comments are welcomed.

